
7345 W Sand Lake Road #316, Orlando, FL 32819

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7345 W Sand Lake Road #316 Orlando, FL 32819

For Rent MLS# O6229323




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Data current as of 13/12/2024 03:46:14

Details for 7345 W Sand Lake Road #316

MLS# O6229323

Description for 7345 W Sand Lake Road #316, Orlando, FL, 32819

Office for lease at a great high-end location in Dr. Phillips area. Close to I-Drive, I-4, International Dr, theme parks, restaurant row and other amenities. Ample parking available. Please note Sales Tax at 6.0% additional to monthly rent.

Listing Information

Property Type: Commercial, Office

Status: Active

Year Built: 2023

Construction: Block,Stucco,Wood Frame

Foundation: Slab

County: Orange

Interior Features

Flooring: Carpet


Cooling: Central Air

Driving Directions

West on Sand Lake Rd after Turkey Lake Rd. Property on right .

Financial Considerations

Tenant Pays: Electricity,Other,See Remarks

Owner Pays: Water

Tax/Property ID: 26-23-28-8440-00-316

Tax Amount: 416.83

Tax Year: 2023

Price Changes

$7,200 Original Price
$7,200/month Current Price
$0 Total Change
Date Price Change
08/02/2024 02.46 PM $7,200

Sales History

Date Price Change
Currently not available.

Tax Summary

Tax Year Estimated Market Value Total Tax
Currently not available.

Data powered by ATTOM Data Solutions. Copyright© 2024. Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

Schools nearby 7345 W Sand Lake Road #316

Schools in attendance boundaries Grades Distance Rating

Schools nearby Grades Distance Rating

Data powered by ATTOM Data Solutions. Copyright© 2024. Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

The schools shown represent both the assigned schools and schools by distance based on local school and district attendance boundaries. Attendance boundaries change based on various factors and proximity does not guarantee enrollment eligibility. Please consult your real estate agent and/or the school district to confirm the schools this property is zoned to attend. Information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

SchoolDigger ® Rating

The SchoolDigger rating system is a 1-5 scale with 5 as the highest rating. SchoolDigger ranks schools based on test scores supplied by each state's Department of Education. They calculate an average standard score by normalizing and averaging each school's test scores across all tests and grades.

Coming soon properties will soon be on the market, but are not yet available for showings.
