
2830 Laurel Avenue, Lake Wales, FL 33898

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(10,000) 12/09/2024

2830 Laurel Avenue Lake Wales, FL 33898

For Sale MLS# T3531750

4.20 Acres Lot/Land



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Data current as of 14/01/2025 15:40:25

Details for 2830 Laurel Avenue

MLS# T3531750

Description for 2830 Laurel Avenue, Lake Wales, FL, 33898

This is 19 lots being sold together as a group for a total of 4.2 acres! There is 150' of paved road frontage on the North end along Laurel Ave. Palm Leaf Avenue and Holly St would need to be extended with new pavement to provide most of the lots with street access. The street right-of-ways have already been deeded over to Polk County which saves another 1.4 acres of land. For sale are Lots 10-18 on Block 19, Lots 1-5 and Lots 13-17 on Block 17. Located in unincorporated Polk County Florida, so the impact fees are lower than within the city limits. Zoning is RSX which is single residential within the South East Polk Selected Area Plan. Elevation is from 130' to 140' above sea level, center of lots is a hill. May be able to make a lot of extra money if the lots are levelled and the extra sand is sold. Housing on similar lots to the North, East and West. Orange groves to the South separated by a 30 foot right of way. Lots are quite large, from 8700 to 11,000 sf each. May be possible to change route of road and get several more lots at a smaller size. Using the lots in their current platted position should eliminate any need for a retention pond on site. There are existing fire hydrants within 400' of the edge of the lots. Lot facing Laurel Ave did have a mobile home that has been removed and the impact fees would be reduced for a new house on that lot and the water hookup is present but not the meter. Septic system still appears to be intact on the lot. All of these new homes could face each other and create a whole section that is brand new and very private, especially if you choose to retain some of the taller trees! Front of lot is cleared at Laurel Ave and most of the rest is forested with many Oaks and a few other trees. Stakes with tie tape can be seen at the lot corners along Laurel Ave but no markers have been put up at the end of Holly St yet. Buyer is responsible to confirm all details with local governing bodies for development of the property.

Listing Information

Property Type: Lot/Land, Residential

Status: Active

Lot Size: 4.20 Acres

Subdivision: Golf View Park Resub

Current Use: Residential

County: Polk


Water: Public

Other Utilities: Electricity Available,Water Available,Sewer Not Available

Exterior / Lot Features

Lot Dimensions: 75x150

Additional Exterior/Lot Features: Rural Lot

Driving Directions

Drive Hwy 60 East away from Lake Wales, turn right onto Highland Dr, take the third left onto Laurel Ave, lots will be on the right side. Continue down Laurel Ave and turn right onto Hibiscus Dr, go to end of street and turn right onto unpaved road extension of Holly St. and lots will be on the left side, if you were able to drive into the woods.

Financial Considerations

Terms: Cash

Tax/Property ID: 28-30-08-941100-019100

Tax Amount: 151.98

Tax Year: 2023

Price Changes

$295,000 Original Price
$258,000 Current Price
-$37,000 Total Change
Date Price Change
12/09/2024 04.20 AM $258,000 -$10,000
11/02/2024 08.09 AM $268,000 -$7,000
07/23/2024 11.47 AM $275,000 -$20,000
06/05/2024 05.16 PM $295,000
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Interest rate and annual percentage rate (APR) are based on current market conditions, are for informational purposes only, are subject to change without notice and may be subject to pricing add-ons related to property type, loan amount, loan-to-value, credit score and other variables. Estimated closing costs used in the APR calculation are assumed to be paid by the borrower at closing. If the closing costs are financed, the loan, APR and payment amounts will be higher. If the down payment is less than 20%, mortgage insurance may be required and could increase the monthly payment and APR. Contact us for details. Additional loan programs may be available. Accuracy is not guaranteed, and all products may not be available in all borrower's geographical areas and are based on their individual situation. This is not a credit decision or a commitment to lend.

Sales History

Date Price Change
Currently not available.

Tax Summary

Tax Year Estimated Market Value Total Tax
Currently not available.

Data powered by ATTOM Data Solutions. Copyright© 2025. Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

Schools nearby 2830 Laurel Avenue

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Data powered by ATTOM Data Solutions. Copyright© 2025. Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

The schools shown represent both the assigned schools and schools by distance based on local school and district attendance boundaries. Attendance boundaries change based on various factors and proximity does not guarantee enrollment eligibility. Please consult your real estate agent and/or the school district to confirm the schools this property is zoned to attend. Information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

SchoolDigger ® Rating

The SchoolDigger rating system is a 1-5 scale with 5 as the highest rating. SchoolDigger ranks schools based on test scores supplied by each state's Department of Education. They calculate an average standard score by normalizing and averaging each school's test scores across all tests and grades.

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