
326 4th Street, Eagle Lake, FL 33839

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Off-Market Date: 10/15/2024

326 4th Street Eagle Lake, FL 33839

Pending MLS# P4927694

1.27 Acres Lot/Land



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Data current as of 19/01/2025 00:55:21

Details for 326 4th Street

MLS# P4927694

Description for 326 4th Street, Eagle Lake, FL, 33839

Located on the median of Hwy 17, this property is just waiting for your business to come and add to the growth that is happening in Eagle Lake. With access from both directions via Findley Ave E, this would be the perfect place for Eagle Lake's first fast food restaurant or multiple businesses depending on the layout you choose. The population in the area has boomed over the last year and is projected to continue as thousands of new homes are built in the city limits and surrounding areas. Situated between Winter Haven and Bartow, Hwy 17 in Eagle Lake has no shortage of traffic. Grab this prime location before it is gone and someone else gets all the profits. The city of Eagle Lake is ready to support your business venture, even offering to relocate utilities in their easement area if needed for development. The current owner has a deal with the neighboring storage building business for $1100 a month to allow them access to the poured alley on the property. This deal can be continued by the new owner or discontinued with 60 days notice. Come and be a part of the growth and development of Polk County.

Listing Information

Property Type: Lot/Land, Unimproved Land

Status: Pending

Lot Size: 1.27 Acres

Subdivision: Eagle Lake

Current Use: Unimproved

County: Polk


Sewer: Public Sewer

Other Utilities: Electricity Available,Phone Available,Sewer Available,Water Available,Water Not Available

Exterior / Lot Features

Lot Dimensions: 234x130x80x288x167x300

Driving Directions

From Winter Haven - head S on 17 - property will be on your left

Financial Considerations

Terms: Cash,Conventional

Tax/Property ID: 26-29-07-679000-014060

Tax Amount: 2769.71

Tax Year: 2022

Price Changes

$599,000 Original Price
$599,000 Current Price
$0 Total Change
Date Price Change
02/27/2024 08.09 PM $599,000

Sales History

Date Price Change
Currently not available.

Tax Summary

Tax Year Estimated Market Value Total Tax
Currently not available.

Data powered by ATTOM Data Solutions. Copyright© 2025. Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

Schools nearby 326 4th Street

Schools in attendance boundaries Grades Distance Rating

Schools nearby Grades Distance Rating

Data powered by ATTOM Data Solutions. Copyright© 2025. Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

The schools shown represent both the assigned schools and schools by distance based on local school and district attendance boundaries. Attendance boundaries change based on various factors and proximity does not guarantee enrollment eligibility. Please consult your real estate agent and/or the school district to confirm the schools this property is zoned to attend. Information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

SchoolDigger ® Rating

The SchoolDigger rating system is a 1-5 scale with 5 as the highest rating. SchoolDigger ranks schools based on test scores supplied by each state's Department of Education. They calculate an average standard score by normalizing and averaging each school's test scores across all tests and grades.

Coming soon properties will soon be on the market, but are not yet available for showings.
