Donis Dzialo
Donis Dzialo

Donis Dzialo

Whether you are looking for your first home or for the home you want to retire in, I would love to help guide you through the buying and/or selling process. I have been a full-time Realtor with the Edina Realty White Bear Lake office since 1993 and am a lifelong resident of Minnesota. I have a B.A. in elementary education and psychology from Hamline University and have taught in both the private and public school sectors, making me an excellent resource on schools in our area.

Email Phone 651-214-2917

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Recommended contacts

Mortgage Consultant
Jenny Hanna Jenny Hanna Mortgage Consultant NMLSR ID# 860845
2137 4th St White Bear Lake, MN 55110
Preferred: 651-762-2124
Title Closing Manager
Patty Coleman Patty Coleman Title Closing Manager
2137 4th St White Bear Lake, MN 55110
Mobile: 651-303-0048 Fax: 651-846-6544 Direct Office: 651-653-4102

Status Definitions

For sale: Properties which are available for showings and purchase

Active contingent: Properties which are available for showing but are under contract with another buyer

Pending: Properties which are under contract with a buyer and are no longer available for showings

Sold: Properties on which the sale has closed.

Coming soon: Properties which will be on the market soon and are not available for showings.

Contingent and Pending statuses may not be available for all listings