Duncan Potter
Duncan Potter

Duncan Potter

At Edina Realty, I Duncan Potter am dedicated to helping individuals and families navigate the dynamic real estate market with ease and confidence. Whether you are a first time homebuyer, looking to upsize for a growing family, or downsize to a more manageable space, I'm here to guide you every step of the way. A few ways I do that is with expert pricing, innovative marketing and skilled negotiations. I have a commitment to exceptional service and my personalized attention sets me apart.

Email DuncanPotter@edinarealty.com Phone 651-303-7938

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Status Definitions

For sale: Properties which are available for showings and purchase

Active contingent: Properties which are available for showing but are under contract with another buyer

Pending: Properties which are under contract with a buyer and are no longer available for showings

Sold: Properties on which the sale has closed.

Coming soon: Properties which will be on the market soon and are not available for showings.

Contingent and Pending statuses may not be available for all listings