Nichole Reed
Nichole Reed

Nichole Reed

I specialize in Lake Front Properties in Western Wisconsin. Currently the Areas #1 Lakeshore Agent. My office is located at Reed's Sunnyside Marina on Balsam Lake. I look forward to working with you to help you find your dream lake home or assist in selling your family lake home. To learn more about me, see my About Page.

Recommended contacts

Mortgage Consultant
Katie Strom Katie Strom Mortgage Consultant NMLSR ID# 1517570
555 W Broadway Ave Ste 5 Forest Lake, MN 55025
Preferred: 651-468-5127

Status Definitions

For sale: Properties which are available for showings and purchase

Active contingent: Properties which are available for showing but are under contract with another buyer

Pending: Properties which are under contract with a buyer and are no longer available for showings

Sold: Properties on which the sale has closed.

Coming soon: Properties which will be on the market soon and are not available for showings.

Contingent and Pending statuses may not be available for all listings