Tyler Peickert with The Bacchus - Ecklin Group
Tyler Peickert with The Bacchus - Ecklin Group

Tyler Peickert with The Bacchus - Ecklin Group

Hi, my name is Tyler Peickert and I’m a real estate agent with the Bacchus-Ecklin Group at Edina Realty. I began pursuing my dream career in the business at an early age. I started working as a property manager for a local investment company in high school. After graduating from Winona State University in 2015, I purchased my first rental property and was hooked. I decided to shift my focus towards working in real estate full-time. Reach out today for a free no-obligation consultation!

Recommended contacts

Mortgage Consultant
Jenny Hanna Jenny Hanna Mortgage Consultant NMLSR ID# 860845
2137 4th St White Bear Lake, MN 55110
Preferred: 651-762-2124
Title Closing Manager
Patty Coleman Patty Coleman Title Closing Manager
2137 4th St White Bear Lake, MN 55110
Mobile: 651-303-0048 Fax: 651-846-6544 Direct Office: 651-653-4102

Status Definitions

For sale: Properties which are available for showings and purchase

Active contingent: Properties which are available for showing but are under contract with another buyer

Pending: Properties which are under contract with a buyer and are no longer available for showings

Sold: Properties on which the sale has closed.

Coming soon: Properties which will be on the market soon and are not available for showings.

Contingent and Pending statuses may not be available for all listings