Not only can clutter make your home look unsightly or decrease the value when selling a home, it can also change your disposition and even lead to depression.
Last year, UCLA anthropologists, social scientists and archeologists released a study showing that clutter has a significant effect on our mood and self-esteem, especially in women. The study showed that women were more stressed when dishes were piled up in the sink, or the home was filled with disorderly clutter.
Stress can also come in the form of getting rid of clutter. It’s easy to get attached to sentimental posessions, or to think that a rarely used item will come in handy in the future. To alleviate stress, the study recommends tackling the problem little by little. Select one room per day, and spend just 20 minutes straightening up and selecting items to throw away or donate to charity.
Remember the old clothing rule – if you haven’t used an item in two years, you likely won’t come to need it. Be vigilant, and then spend time relaxing in your newly clutter-free room!