We understand that there is a vital need for many to purchase and sell homes during this busy time of year, even amidst the current COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) pandemic that is affecting everyone on both a local and global scale. Edina Realty and our REALTORS® are committed to serving your real estate needs, now and always.
Your health and safety, as well as that of our employees and agents, remains our top priority. We are taking a number of precautions to continue to provide you with the highest level of service during this unprecedented time.
What is COVID-19 (novel coronavirus)?
COVID-19 is a novel coronavirus that is rapidly evolving, affecting 134 countries and now classified as a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). The virus is believed to spread mainly from person-to-person and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) urges the practice of social distancing by staying out of crowded places, avoiding group gatherings and maintaining distance (approximately six feet) from others when possible.
Steps our offices and staff are taking to help prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus
Our offices are being diligent about cleaning, reporting illness and taking any and all necessary steps to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.
- We have assembled a task force to stay current on rapidly changing developments; protect our clients, agents and employees; and to keep our business running smoothly.
- We remain open for business, but our offices are open to clients by appointment only. Edina Realty Home Services agents and employees continue working diligently to assist you. Simply reach out to your agent or visit edinarealty.com for help with your home buying, selling, mortgage, title, insurance and warranty needs.
- We are cleaning continuously with particular attention to frequently touched surfaces, areas and objects.
- Whenever possible, meetings and trainings are being held virtually to avoid in-person group gatherings.
- At this time, we will continue to perform closings and have several precautionary measures in place to limit interactions and ensure the safety of everyone involved.
Changes you may see when working with an agent
Edina Realty agents maintain a strong foundation in ethics. Our core values of honesty, integrity, commitment, innovation and community are constant in all we do. We believe in treating all clients and potential clients equally and fairly.
In order to protect their clients and themselves, agent practices may adjust slightly during this time. Here are a few adjustments that you may experience:
- Your agent may ask you about recent travel, particularly to areas identified as having an increased risk of coronavirus. Agents will be asking all their clients the same questions based on current, factual information from public health authorities and is in no way intended to make you feel uncomfortable or singled out.
- Your agent may request that you meet them at a property instead of offering to drive you or they may decline to drive you if you show signs of illness or have recently traveled to areas of increased risk of coronavirus.
- If your agent does continue to drive healthy clients, they may ask you to wear a mask or gloves or use hand sanitizer when getting in and out of the car.
- You may notice your agents cleaning and disinfecting surfaces frequently. Some of these popular touchpoints will include door handles, doorknobs, seat belt latches, dashboards, countertops, lockboxes and similar areas.
What buyers and sellers should know about open houses and showings
Virtual open houses are encouraged, even as in-person open houses resume (after a temporary suspension) with a number of safety precautions in place. We have many options available to help you successfully market your home or navigate your home search.
Your agent will speak openly and honestly about the pros and cons of private in-home showings and in-person open houses. By partnering with an Edina Realty agent, you have access to a variety of alternative options including Edina Realty’s strong network, expert marketing solutions, high quality listing photographs and details, video tours and other methods to virtually explore a property.
If you plan to allow or attend private showings and open houses, the following precautions may be required:
- All visitors may be asked to disinfect their hands upon entering the home
- The hosting agent may limit the amount of people in the home
- Alcohol-based hand sanitizer may be offered at the entryway
- Sellers may be asked to leave lights on and interior doors and cabinets open.
- Sellers may ask visitors to wear face masks.
- Visitors will be asked not to touch any surfaces.
- Visitors will be asked to maintain at least six feet of social distancing from other guests.
Sellers will be asked to clean and disinfect their home after each showing or open house, especially commonly touched areas like doorknobs and faucet handles.
What you can do to help prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus
Here is a list of CDC precautions to help prevent the spread:
- Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water aren't available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Practice social distancing by staying out of crowded places, avoiding group gatherings, and maintaining distance (approximately six feet) from others when possible.
- Avoid close contact with anyone who is sick.
- Stay home if you are sick.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze or use the inside of your elbow.
- Throw used tissues in the trash.
Stay informed, don’t panic and use good judgment. Refer to the CDC’s website for up-to-date information, recommendations, travel precautions and the latest impact of the coronavirus.
We are here to answer any questions or concerns you may have regarding your housing needs during this unprecedented time. Contact your agent or reach out to us by phone, email or online chat.