Key insights
- If you’re able, offer up your time and services to vulnerable or at-need community members.
- It’s possible to be social with your friends and family while practicing social distancing.
- Think outside the box to raise spirits through fun activities like scavenger hunts, virtual playdates and chalked sidewalks.
As we take precautions and self-isolate due to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), we don’t want to lose touch with our communities. Offering assistance and virtual socializing can help bring us together during this uncertain time. Keep reading for more insights you can use to be a good neighbor during the current COVID-19 outbreak.
Support your community members
COVID-19 is impacting all of us in some form. If you’re healthy and have the bandwidth to contribute, now is the time. Communities are banding together in a common fight, and you can join the effort now.
Buy groceries for vulnerable neighbors. If someone on your block is part of the at-risk population or a caregiver for someone who is, offer to purchase their groceries or other necessary items. Be sure to follow CDC guidelines regarding protective equipment and to wash your hands before and after you shop, to lower the risk of transmission.
Keep in mind, you can likely place a mobile order for these supplies to be delivered straight to their doorstep.
Ask neighbors if they need anything from you. Get in contact with your community members to offer help wherever and however you can, especially if you have isolated neighbors. Send a text or a kindness postcard to help alleviate stress attributed to COVID-19 concerns.
Support essential workers. Essential workers are continuing to serve our communities during the COVID-19 outbreak. Under Minnesota’s current stay-at-home order, it can be difficult to organize a drive for masks or perform a larger, collective action.
Instead, try to offer one-on-one support to the medical professionals, delivery drivers, grocery store and essential retail employees, and those who are still working at takeout-friendly restaurants and cafes. Whether it’s buying a gift card to use later or ordering meals for those working long shifts, there are still small ways you can contribute.
Donate to local organizations. Food banks and other programs, such as Meals on Wheels, need your assistance. If you have the capacity to donate extra supplies or funds to COVID-19 relief efforts, check out these Minnesota nonprofits and charities.
Brighten someone’s day
It’s generally agreed upon that the best way to prevent the spread or contraction of COVID-19 is to avoid exposure to the virus. Therefore, many municipalities are practicing and even mandating social distancing. Nonetheless, it is possible to be social while following social distancing protocol. Here are some ways to stay in contact with loved ones and spread positivity during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Organize fun activities for neighborhood kids. A social-distancing neighborhood scavenger hunt may raise the spirits of cooped-up kiddos in your neighborhood. To spread the word (and increase participation), share the details of the hunt via Nextdoor and your Facebook community groups.
Send video greetings to loved ones. Plan a virtual playdate or a time for family members to connect through video chat platforms like FaceTime or Zoom. Or, simply send videos to people you care about with uplifting messages. If you have kids, feature them!
Chalk your walk. Get creative to send positive messages to healthcare workers and others working on the front lines. Paint your sidewalk in chalk or hang signs in your windows to demonstrate your support. These crafty actions can be a fun (and time-consuming) activity for the entire family, too!
Join forces
Behind COVID-19 concerns lies a collective effort to eliminate the effects of the virus on our communities. Continue to generate mutual support against the disease through these actions of solidarity.
Start a support thread on Nextdoor. Virtual platforms are the ideal place to share how you are managing life amid COVID-19. Whether you’re asking for tips from fellow parents on at-home childcare or you’ve found the best work-at-home setup that you’d love to share, hop online. Remember to stay positive!
Leverage your talents for the greater good. If you have any talents that can be shared, lean into them! A Duluth company is swapping spirit distillery for hand sanitizer production and some local photographers are offering to take doorstep family portraits in exchange for charity donations. Costume makers (and amateur sewers, too!) are sewing cloth masks as medical workers face a shortage of protective gear.
Follow local news and guidance. Do your part to combat COVID-19 by staying up-to-date with local news and mandates. This useful information will help keep you and community members healthy and safe.
We’re all in this together
Social distancing is in effect, but we’re building a united front against COVID-19. Be sure to follow these tips to be a good neighbor during this unprecedented time.
As always, reach out to Edina Realty or one of our agents for additional homeowner assistance. We’re here for you, seven days a week and are doing our part to limit the spread of COVID-19 through virtual showings, drive-up closings and more.