All homes should be staged before they are put on the market, and homeowners with swimming pools should take special steps to ensure their backyard getaway is in tip-top shape.
Deep cleaning and storage
First, hire a professional to come clean your pool. This is no time to save extra cash by doing it yourself – hire a pool cleaning service and request that they clean all stains and drains thoroughly. Also, ask if they recommend additional upkeep as you continue to show your home.
You likely have accessories including floats, toys and other inflatables, especially if you have children. Potential buyers won't be pleased to see a lot of clutter, so store all of these extra items inside a shed or simply out of sight. This may also be a great time to throw out any older items or get rid of floats and toys that are no longer used frequently.
Sprucing up the deck or patio
Many homeowners with pools also have decks or patios. To enhance the look of your pool, it is important to give attention to these outdoor settings.
If the wood or brick looks dated, pressure wash or apply a fresh coat of sealant to spruce the surface up. You may also want to pressure wash the exterior of your home if it became stained during the winter months.
If you already have outdoor furniture, make sure it looks clean and welcoming for potential buyers. If not, you might want to invest in a staging package that will fill up the space without excess furniture. Staging the outside of your home as if it were barbecue-ready can help buyers envision their own friends and family enjoying the outdoors of your home.